Chakra Healing

Ravi Ratheesh
7 min readMay 16, 2021

Seven Chakra Healing Explianed

Within the human body, the seven chakras are essential centers of spiritual strength where energy flows freely from one chakra to the next. These energetic centers help control all of our bodies’ internal functions, such as boosting our immune systems, controlling our emotions, and even allowing us to communicate to our higher self’s elevated consciousness. The chakras are arranged in a straight line from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra has a unique vibrational frequency that relates to a different color. Let’s begin at the beginning of the spine.

The Root Chakra

The first chakra is known as the root chakra, and its primary purpose is to protect the spine, legs, and physical body. This chakra gives us everything we need to live and thrive, including food, water, protection, and physical energy. When this chakra is open, we feel protected and fearless; when it isn’t, we feel low on energy and can develop problems in our feet, legs, hips, or spine.

The Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Let us now turn our attention to the second chakra. This chakra is known as the sacral chakra, and it is located just below your navel. Its function is to protect your bladder, kidneys, reproductive system, and lower abdomen. This chakra is concerned with emotional well-being, sensuality, and imagination. It is the source of our emotions and sensations, which are the driving force behind our enjoyment of life through our five senses. If this chakra is not working properly, you can experience issues with your bladder, kidneys, or pelvis.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra, and it is located in the lower abdomen. This chakra, which is located in your stomach area, ensures that your stomach, liver, intestines, and digestive system are all functioning properly. This chakra’s aim is to ensure that we may question their existence by our beliefs. It assists us in finding our way in life and enables us to take the steps necessary to achieve our objectives. In addition, the solar plexus chakra serves as a line of protection for our own moral code and honor. It accomplishes this by ensuring that we do not wander too far from our own course, and thus do not enable other people’s views or negative values to affect our mood or decision-making. If your solar plexus chakra is out of control, you can experience digestive issues, as well as liver and pancreas issues. You may also find it difficult to stand up for what you believe in or to say no for fear of being judged, and you may express your opinions defensively and angrily.

The Heart Chakra

Heart chakra

Now it’s time to focus on the fourth chakra. The heart chakra is the name given to this chakra. Its purpose is to protect your heart, lungs, and circulatory system and is located in the chest area. This chakra is also responsible for keeping the heart open and caring. As a result, it would be easier for us to show our feelings and be more compassionate to others. Many of the other chakras are cleansed by the heart chakra. As a result, they are cleansed of all negative feelings, and our whole energy field remains positive. When this chakra is open, you will experience a profound sense of connectedness with everything around you, and you will realize that there is beauty in everything. Another advantage of getting this chakra triggered is forgiveness, empathy, and respect for oneself. When the heart chakra is blocked, however, you can find it difficult to connect with others. Excessive envy, codependence, a lack of sympathy, and even resentment can be experienced. An imbalance in this chakra can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart problems, lung infections, and even bronchitis.

The Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

Next, we’ll look at the fifth chakra, also known as the throat chakra, which is located in the throat area as its name suggests. Its role is to keep your throat, thyroid, spine, and jaw healthy. This chakra will ultimately assist you in discovering and communicating your true authentic and unique voice. As a result, it has become an essential part of verbal communication. A strong sense of timing, remembering your vocation intent, and the ability to build and project ideas into reality are some of the behavioral and psychological characteristics associated with this chakra. Another purpose of this chakra is to bind you to the etheric world, as well as the more subtle realms of spirit and intuition. When the throne chakra is blocked, it may cause a loss of control over one’s voice, causing them to speak excessively or improperly. For example, you can be unable to listen to anyone, have an unhealthy fear of public speaking, be unable to hold secrets, keep your word, or even lie.

The Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra

Now we’ll look at the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, which is found in the middle of your forehead, between and above your brows. This chakra is in control of your brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, and nose. This chakra also has the potential to activate the mind’s strength, which means it can teach us how to cure ourselves and improve our lives using our own willpower. The third eye chakra will provide us with vision, insight, and a sense of Soto dimensions and energy movements. It binds us to our inner wisdom and can help us develop psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. Maintaining knowledge of the third eye chakra energy can necessitate some concentration and the ability to relax into a new perspective. We will see beyond the world’s distractions and delusions as we learn to fully concentrate the mind and consciousness itself. As a result, we will have a better understanding of reality, allowing us to live and build in ways that are genuinely aligned with our highest good. A third eye chakra imbalance can lead to a lack of clarity, making it difficult to take action on something spiritual, as well as a feeling of being trapped and unable to see through their problems to fix them. It can also trigger health issues related to the brain, such as hazy vision. Insomnia, sinus problems, and nausea are all common symptoms.

The crown Chakra

Crown Chakra

Finally, we’ll look at the crown chakra, which is the final chakra in the seventh chakra scheme. The purpose of this chakra, which is located at the top of the head, is to protect your upper brain and nervous system. The crown chakra helps one to reach higher levels of awareness and tap into universal consciousness. It will assist you in awakening to your highest reality, which is that you are an immortal being who is temporarily encased in a human body to experience life on Earth. When you realize this, you will experience true inner peace and happiness unlike everything else in the human experience. And it is at this point that one achieves complete enlightenment. You will know that you are linked to everything and everything is connected to you at this very moment and that you are unconditional love itself. Closed-mindedness, being separated from spirit dwelling in your soul, and being removed from your body and worldly matters are all symptoms of a crown chakra imbalance. People with a crown chakra imbalance are more likely to develop neurological conditions such as nerve pain, Alzheimer’s, insomnia, and depression, as well as recurrent headaches and migraines. As you can see, the chakras play a critical role in our overall health, which is why it’s critical to ensure that they’re in good working order. Our bodies will be out of control if we do not do so.

When our emotions become clogged due to negativity and stress, it causes a barrier in these centers, which can manifest as illness, aches, and pain. As a result, we must get to know each other so that we can rebalance the system and preserve proper equilibrium. Consider a stream with many small water pools. Each pool of water represents a chakra, and the flowing water symbolizes the energy that flows from one pool to the next. What if someone threw trash into those pools? The delay would gradually become clogged, and the water would be unable to flow freely. As a result, many people cannot find the balance necessary to live a successful and meaningful life. since their internal chakra system isn’t functioning properly, causing the body to malfunction. So learn to work with energy and practice meditation exercises that can help you clear out any blockages that might be present, or seek help from a certified spiritual healer in your area who can help you realign all of these centers so that you can live the life that you’re meant to live, which is one of abundance and true happiness.

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Ravi Ratheesh

Blogger, Everything is a choice in a world where you can be anything. Be kind